Evolution of Analytics


Dhritarastra said: O Sanjaya what did my sons desirous of battle and the sons of Pandu do after assembling at the holy land of righteousness Kuruksetra? Chapter 1, Verse 1, Bhagavad-Gita

The opening chapter of Bhagavad-Gita introduces the setting, the scene, the circumstances and the characters involved determining the reasons for the Gita’s revelation. Having the supernatural ability to witness the events directly within his mind as if he was there present, Sanjaya narrates the battlefield scenes and the characters involved in the Kuruksetra war to the blind king, Dhritarastra.

Analytics has been in existence since the inception of mankind in some form or another. In the past it was based on gut, intuition, personal beliefs, pre-conceived notions; in today’s internet world, we have data.