Modern Shakespeare

February has been the month of drought. Sometimes, I forget that this is my blog and not the nomination list for the Pulitzer award. Acting matured and grown up is a tedious job which is not meant for me. While trying to be the perfectionist, most of my write-ups ended up in the recycle bin. They never got recycled. 

Anyway, I consoled myself with soothing words and tried my hand at an awe-inspiring poem. 
And thus, a modern Shakespeare was born. 

Barbaric, dangerous and uncivilized, they say.

No Milady, trust me, I’m not that way.

Covet, you shall, for my skills and wisdom.

And you have my word, there shall be no schism.

I know. You know. I cannot climb a wall.

Many a handstand, many a fall.

Yet, ‘tis the strong upper body, your heart yearns.

And a stronger lower one leaves nada concerns.

Mortal or immortal? You may be at odds.

But, the fact remains, I belong with the gods.

Achilles, Jason, Peleus…I taught many wars.

If you want to know me, just connect the stars.

This ain’t the end. There is still more.

All day and all night, ride me till you feel sore.

So tell me, Milady. Are you still game?

For friendship or love, Chiron’s the name.


  1. Replies
    1. Couldn't have put it in a better way!

      Puns FTW!

  2. Replies
    1. So Nim, are you still game?

    2. Since I could not think of an appropriate response, I have a visual for you.

      *Flares her nostrils*

      You got exxcited, didn't you?

    3. excited*
      One more x and it would be a pun. Cha.

    4. YEEEAH! Triple exxxcited, in fact.

      Punny word. Bless typos.
